Ja, pepermunt vlugolie mag in kleine hoeveelheden inwendig gebruikt worden.
In de Martindale wordt volgende informatie teruggevonden met betrekking tot Pepermunt Vlugolie:
“Peppermint oil is an aromatic carminative that relaxes gastrointestinal smooth muscle and relieves flatulence and colic. Enteric-coated capsules containing peppermint oil are used for the relief of symptoms of the irritable bowel syndrome or gastrointestinal spasm secondary to other disorders. Usual oral doses in adults and adolescents from the age of 15 years are 0,2 mL three times daily, (increased to 0,4 mL three times daily if necessary) for up to 2 to 3 months. The capsules should be taken half to one hour before food and swallowed whole, not chewed.
Peppermint oil is used as a flavour with other volatile agents in preparations for respiratory-tract disorders. It is also used in aromatherapy”
Mag pepermunt vlugolie inwendig en in een mondspoelmiddel gebruikt worden?
Grondstof: Pepermunt Vlugolie
CNK: 1256734, 1515139, en 4261509