Kan zinkacetaat ook inwendig gebruikt worden?

Zinkacetaat wordt meestal uitwendig gebruikt, maar kan in bepaalde indicaties ook inwendig aangewend worden.
In de Martindale staat meer gedetailleerd vermeld wanneer inwendig gebruik kan. “In deficiency states, zinc is usually given orally as the sulfate, the sulfate monohydrate, or the gluconate, in doses of up to 50 mg of elemental zinc three times daily. Oral zinc salts, commonly the acetate, may be used as copper absorption inhibitors in Wilson’s disease. The usual adult dose is 50 mg three times daily up to a maximum of five times daily. Children from 1 to 6 years may be given 25 mg twice daily; those from 6 to 16 years and with a body-weight under 57 kg are given 25 mg three times daily. Adolescents from 16 years of age, or with a body-weight of above 57 kg are given 50 mg three times daily. An effective dose in pregnant women is usually 25 mg three times daily; however, dosage is adjusted based on copper concentrations”

Type: Informatief
Grondstof: Zinkacetaat dihydraat
CNK: 2445989