De benaming van de verschillende natriumfosfaten kan voor de nodige verwarring zorgen. Hierbij een oplijsting van de Fagron omschrijving (overeenkomstig met de Ph.Eur.) met het CAS-nummer en de chemische formule:
– Natriummonowaterstoffosfaat = Na2HPO4, CAS 7558-79-4
– Natriummonowaterstoffosfaat Dihydraat = Na2HPO4x2H2O, CAS 10028-24-7
– Natriumdiwaterstoffosfaat Dihydraat = NaH2PO4x2H2O, CAS 13472-35-0
De Martindale geeft volgende informatie:
“Each g of monobasic sodium phosphate (anhydrous)
represents about 8.3 mmol of sodium and of phosphate.
Each g of monobasic sodium phosphate (monohydrate) represents
about 7.2 mmol of sodium and of phosphate. Each g of
monobasic sodium phosphate (dihydrate) represents about
6.4 mmol of sodium and of phosphate.”
“Each g of dibasic sodium phosphate (anhydrous)
represents about 14.1 mmol of sodium and 7.0 mmol of phosphate.
Each g of dibasic sodium phosphate (dihydrate) represents
about 11.2 mmol of sodium and 5.6 mmol of phosphate. Each g
of dibasic sodium phosphate (heptahydrate) represents about
7.5 mmol of sodium and 3.7 mmol of phosphate. Each g of dibasic
sodium phosphate (dodecahydrate) represents about
5.6 mmol of sodium and 2.8 mmol of phosphate.”