Hebben jullie gegevens i.v.m. inwendig gebruik (maximale dosis) van de grondstof kopersulfaat pentahydraat?

Er is geen maximale dosis voor kopersulfaat pentahydraat gekend.

Martindale beschrijft volgende gebruikelijke dosissen:
“Copper is an essential trace element although severe copper deficiency,
which is associated with anaemia, neutropenia, and
bone demineralisation, is rare in humans. Copper sulfate is added
to parenteral feeds as a source of copper in the prophylaxis and
treatment of deficiency states. Doses that have been used for
prophylaxis range from 0.5 to 1.5 mg (7.9 to 23.6 micromoles)
of copper daily although up to 3 mg daily has been suggested in
established deficiency; infants have received 20 micrograms/kg
(0.3 micromol/kg) of copper daily. The dose should be governed
by the serum-copper concentration, which in healthy adults
ranges between 0.7 and 1.6 micrograms/mL (0.01 to
0.025 micromol/mL)”

I.v.m. toxiciteit vermeld Micromedex het volgende: “The lowest published toxic dose in humans via ingestion is 120 mcg/kg, with nausea and vomiting reported”