De Martindale beschrijft het volgende: “Sympathomimetics such as ephedrine, phenylephrine, naphazoline, oxymetazole and xylometazoline can be used topically as nasal drops or sprays. These such as pseudoephedrine are given orally”.
Pseudoephedrine is a direct- and indirect-acting sympathomimetic
(p.1408). It is a stereoisomer of ephedrine
(p.1558) and has a similar action, but has been tated to have less pressor activity and fewer CNS effects.
Pseudoephedrine and its salts are given orally for the
symptomatic relief of nasal congestion (p.1548).
Op basis hiervan is het aan te raden om de efedrinehydrochloride (L-) te vervangen door bijvoorbeeld fenylefrinehydrochloride.
Uiteraard te bespreken met de voorschrijvende arts, zeker i.k.v. dosering.